爱情片 印度
Fed up with the lack of critical appreciation despite being a successful writer, Abhimanyu Roy (Ayushmann Khurrana) returns to his roots in Kolkata to write more meaningful literature and decides on an old-fashioned love story - which was now, 3 - years in the making. This writer's block is called Bindu (Parineeti Chopra). How do you contain this unpredictable, crazy, restless, larger than life, live wire in the pages of a book? As Abhi says ''You know when a song comes on and you just have to dance? Bindu was that song. That silly infectious joyful tune you couldn't get out of your head - even if you wanted to." So where should he begin? Where should he end? But when Abhi stumbles across an old audio cassette of their favorite playlist, it sends Abhi down memory lane - and as he waltzes in and out of his past and present through the songs in the mixed tape, he finally faces reality and reconnects with his roots, with his family and his novel starts writing itself. Of course, life in ...
爱情片 喜剧 爱情 音乐 印度
Sunil (Shahrukh Khan饰)是正常的中层阶层,违反了他父亲(Anjan Srivastav饰)的希望,参加了一个乐队,开端了他的"艺术"生涯 Sunil爱的是Anna (Suchitra Krishnamoorthy饰), 不外落花有意,流水无情, Anna并不爱他,她爱好的是Sunil的友人,对Sunil的穷追不舍,Anna反而慷慨地告知他:她爱的是 Chris (Deepak Tijori饰)Sunil为了赢回丽人的芳心,搞出了不少事端 为了讨他父亲的欢心,能继承本人的“音乐”奇迹, Sunil 捏造了一张成就单, 但终极仁慈的他仍是大胆的否认了本人的毛病 这所有能转变Sunil的生涯吗?他的亲人是否谅解他! Anna 会不会转变情意爱上 Suni抑或是嫁给Chris? 缘分天注定,半点不禁人,缘来缘去谁又说的清呢!