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Diogo (17) likes to make anonymous phone calls to his psychoanalyst mother’s patients. That’s how he meets Angela (43), who had just been left by her husband. Although she is first irritated by learning about Diogo and his secret, Angela feels attracted and he brings a new sense to her life. Feeling a true bond between each other, Angela and Diogo fall in love. Yet, they have to face disagreement of his parents and fight for their relationship.
Ernesto lives life in a limbo of sorts, stuck somewhere between the promise of an exit visa and the fear of rotting away in Havana. But his smooth-talking schemes to secure papers are complicated when he crosses paths with Anita, and is faced with the only incentive to stay in Cuba—love. Screenwriter Alejandro Brugués makes his directorial debut with this poignant romance about the price of freedom, the power of sacrifice and the meaning of happiness.Alejandro Brugues was born in Buenos Aires, but he is a Cuban national. After studying Advertising, Psychology and Philosophy, he graduated with a Screenwriting major from the Escuela de San Antonio de los Banos. After taking his first steps as a screenwriter, he directed and wrote this first work, which received awards at the Cine en Construcción section of the Guadalajara Film Festival. Personal belongings is a love story that takes on the everyday reality of Cuba: Ernesto keeps his "personal belongings" in a briefcase, waiting for the moment when he will finally be able to leave the island; meanwhile Ana has decided to stay and not go with her parents, who fled on a raft. The two youngsters meet when he goes to the policlinic where she works, and although by falling in love they each find what they were looking for in each other, they also know they have decided on very different paths and at some point they’ll have to make a final choice.
故事发生在纽约,一个专业棒球队里两个球员的故事。Henry是明星投手,Bruce Pearson是普通投手,Bruce和其他球员十分友好,但与Henry投手却十分隔漠,这甚至开始影响球队的命运…… ◎简 介 Henry Wiggen是纽约长毛象队( New York Mammoths based on NYY)的明星投手。 (那是自由球员制还未施行的年代,球员的薪水并不高,即使像Henry Wiggen这种明星球员,还得兼营一些副业。在电影中,可看出他还是保险经纪人,而且对理财颇有一套,另外,他还是曾出过书的作家——这就是他 Author 这个绰号的由来。) 而他的室友——也是他保险的客户—— Bruce Pearson,则和他刚好相反。他球技普通,生活习惯又差,平时一副蠢样,在队上根本没人理他。(Henry 本身也很讨厌他,有一次,Henry 逮到Bruce在洗手檯便溺,气得向总教练Dutch投诉。) 但,就在这一年春训之前,一切都改变了。 因不幸而变成好友 Bruce感到身体不适,经医师诊断是何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Hodgkin's disease, or Hodgkin's lymphoma),这在当时是绝症。Bruce的保险是向Henry投保的,在Henry 的陪伴之下,他们一起到专门的医院做进一步诊疗,并得到医院的确认。 Henry听从Bruce的要求,保守著这个秘密。两人回到春训集训地,当时 Henry 和球团的谈薪陷入僵局,Henry 正在「罢训」。但不久他得到消息,球团打算要释出Bruce,於是他接受球团提议的薪资,只不过要加入一条附加条款——他的命运必须和Bruce绑在一起,球团不管要交易还是释出Bruce,都得连他一块送走。 球团答应这个条件。但总教练觉得事有蹊蹺,如之前所述,Henry曾向他抱怨Bruce的不良生活习惯,但怎么突然间,又像是情人一样不可分离呢?总教练私下想尽办法要查个水落石出。 总教练一直找线索,想要知道之前Henry和Bruce到了什么地方、做了什么事,而 Henry就不断扯谎,想出各种理由来掩饰他和Bruce去过医院。 脱胎换骨的表现 Henry还以他的理财知识当条件,和一位老爱奚落Bruce的队友达成协议,希望他不要对Bruce那么刻薄。Henry告诉这位队友Bruce罹患绝症的秘密,并要他守口如瓶。 但这种「秘密」,很快就在队友之间秘密流传,没多久,大多数球员都知道了。忽然间,大家对 Bruce 都特别包容,人人都愿意与他交友。原本这支球队,充满了球技一流的球星,但人人各自为政,谁也不服谁,现在因为Bruce的不幸,球队的向心力竟因而凝聚了起来,此后球队连战连胜。 Bruce原本只是替补捕手,上场机会不多,表现也不理想;因为队友的接纳,他开始有了自信,各项表现都创下生涯新高,到了七月,他已是主战捕手了。 球队最终拿下第一,季后赛一路横扫,夺得世界大赛冠军。而Bruce在球季结束前,就因病重离队,於不久后便病逝了。 电影在Henry的旁白中结束。Bruce的丧礼,球队只有送花,没有代表到场。 ◎幕 后 Bang the Drum Slowly ,中译名为「战鼓轻敲」。不过首先要说明的,这个Drum,并不是战鼓,而是送丧时的哀鼓;Slowly,也非「轻」敲,而是「慢」敲。这个鼓声,就像是丧鐘,沉重地、缓慢地敲击著,像是死神逐渐走近的脚步…… 本片改编自 Mark Harris 的同名小说 Bang the Drum Slowly 。Mark Harris 总共写了四本棒球小说,这「四部曲」分别是:The Southpaw (1953)、 Bang the Drum Slowly (1956)、A Ticket for a Seamstitch (1957),和 It Looked Like For Ever (1979),书中的主角,都是投手 Henry Author Wiggen。 Bang the Drum Slowly 这个书名,是从一首美国的传统牛仔歌曲 Streets of Laredo (或称为「牛仔悲歌」 Cowboy's Lament )中的歌词改编而来,这首歌,唱的是一位垂死牛仔的临终遗言,原先的歌词,有些用语比较古老一点,而在电影里,歌词有小小的更动,以下是和书名有关的副歌部分: O bang the drum slowly and play the fife lowly, Play the dead march as they carry me on, Put bunches of roses all over my coffin, Roses to deaden the clods as they fall 啊,哀鼓慢慢击,横笛低声奏, 当他们抬我灵柩时,演奏那送丧曲, 在我棺木上,覆满成束玫瑰, 让那玫瑰,舒缓落下的土块。
本剧以Alan Furst的有名小说为底本,由掉掉落艾美奖的编剧Dick Clement跟Ian La Frenais改编脚本。 1914年,全部欧洲被希特勒纳粹政权的暗影所覆盖。在一战中掉掉落高等勋章的上校Mercier(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 饰)作为一名文官驻扎在波兰。上校从本人的德国耳目Edvard那边掉掉落谍报,好像希特勒纳粹正在权略害整齐个入侵波兰的筹划。Mercier在履行义务时差点被杀,含辛茹苦逃走。而法国权要Jourdain对Mercier偏见颇深,唯恐Mercier此番作为会影响交际局势进一步缓和化。巴黎状师Anna(詹尼特·蒙特戈里 Janet Montgomery 饰)跟Mercier也在这个伤害的时代互生爱意。但Anna另有一名担负政治记者的老公Maxim有弗成宰割的关联。三自我之间的纠葛的关联也跟着战役的开端更加缓和......
本剧灵感来自普利策奖获奖作家伊迪丝·华顿未完成的同名最终作,由全女性创意团队主导。英国喜剧演员Katherine Jakeways为剧集创作者和领头编剧,Susanna White(《安多》《荒凉山庄》《简爱(2006)》)担任领头导演,两人同Beth Willis(《援助》《神秘博士》)均为执行制片。The Forge Entertainment为制片方,所以这应该是一部英剧。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?有钱的女孩,有权力的男人。新财富,旧秘密。1870年代(19世纪70年代),一群喜爱玩乐的年轻美国女孩闯入满是紧身胸衣的伦敦社交季,掀起了一场英美文化冲突。她们对数百年传统的漠视令人耳目一新,悄然渗透着英国这片感情克制(上嘴唇僵硬stiff upper lip)的土地。“海盗”们被家族派去寻找丈夫、获取贵族头衔,但她们的心之所向远不止于此,一句“我愿意”只是个开始。
这部有名的法国警匪片将会在第三季归来,这一季将会以比以往更暗中!更尖利的方法涌现:拉维莱特的屠夫。在巴黎北部一条放弃的铁路上发明白一具被肢解的年青男子的遗体。为了挽反响誉,警长洛尔·伯索德(Laure Berthaud)捉住了这个机遇,率领她的小队追捕她以为的精力变态的连环杀手。在考察一个卖淫团伙的残暴天下时,她深刻到一个不安的心灵的奥秘深处,她的自我生涯支离粉碎,她的步队中涌现了一个潜伏的裂缝,伯索德的天下处于瓦解的边沿。与此同时,法官弗朗索瓦·罗班(Francois Roban)在考察一同波及着名政治人物的行贿丑闻时,不晓得怎样博得友人跟影响别人。查察官皮埃尔·克莱门特(Pierre Clement)对正派的保持使他在司法体系中成为一个被抛弃的人,而大志壮志的状师约瑟芬·卡尔森(Josephine Karlsson)试图从一些可疑的接洽中解脱出来,这带来了伤害的效果,他完善无瑕的职业生涯因而而申明散乱。在这部超等缓和的惊悚片中,跟着每个脚色在事实中得到掌握,节拍放慢,叙事堆叠,私家生涯跟职业生涯之间的界线变得越来越隐约。
Witnesses is a simple, yet powerful moving trilogy, depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. Each story in the film provides an unusual, yet harrowing perspective on the tragic events during World War II, told from the perspective of three uncanny witnesses. Shoes, the shortest of the stories, does not have a single line of dialogue or even a face featured in it. All we see is a pair of red shoes which beautifully depict first love, then marriage, the start of family life and the onset of the tragic war. Brutus, is a story about a German Shepherd dog separated from her beloved mistress and turned into a guard dog at a concentration camp. The final story, Violin, opens at the beginning of the 20th Century in a violin shop, where the instrument was created as a present for a Jewish boy. The violin becomes witness to the tragic events that followed during the Holocaust. A captivating score, makes this less than conventional film expose the sheer evil and terror that pervaded every aspect of the Holocaust, and is sure to open the eyes of everyone who sees it.