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人造人009 VS 恶魔人剧场版动画全集或译再造人009VS 恶魔人,日本漫画家石之森章太郎,自1964年开始连载的科幻漫画作品。《人造人009》系列50周年纪念新作动画作品制作决定。 人造人009动画全集讲述主人公岛村乔,某日被神秘的男人们抓住改造成了人造人。在世界的暗影中活跃着的死亡商人「黑幽灵团(Black Ghost)」为了製作划时代的新商品?人造人士兵的试验品,偶然地选择了乔。但是,乔被先前改造的8名人造人和改造他们的吉尔莫亚博士告知了当下的情况后,与他们共同从黑幽灵团逃走了。 他们在得知黑幽灵团的野心后便不断阻止敌方的行动,然而拥有着同样力量的人造人战士却只有他们。胸中怀着人类的心和机器所没有的悲伤心情,人造人战士们为了粉碎黑幽灵团的野心而不断地持续着战斗
我的天才女友 第一季
  故事产生在位于意大利那不勒斯的一个贫困而又破败的社区之中,莉拉(卢多维卡·纳斯蒂 Ludovica Nasti 饰)跟爱莲娜(艾丽莎·德尔·杰尼奥 Elisa del Genio 饰)从小就生涯在那边。莉拉出身在一个独裁的家庭之中,父亲是一名鞋匠。固然莉拉在班级里是公认的蠢才美女,然而在父亲的保持之下,莉拉终极废弃了学业,在鞋店里成为了帮工。  跟莉拉差别,爱莲娜在家人跟教师的支撑之下继承修业,固然跟莉拉走上了一模一样的人生途径,但爱莲娜的眼光一直凝集在莉拉的身上。在十六岁那一年,莉拉嫁给了苦苦寻求她的巨室后辈斯代凡诺(乔万尼·阿穆拉 Giovanni Amura 饰),但是期待着她的却并非美妙的婚姻生涯。
我的天才女友 第二季
  一晃眼多年从前,爱莲娜(玛格丽塔·马祖可 Margherita Mazzucco 饰)跟莉拉(盖娅·吉拉切 Gaia Girace 饰)都长大成人。莉拉嫁给了斯特凡诺(乔万尼·阿穆拉 Giovanni Amura 饰)开端了并可怜福的婚后生涯,而莉拉则进入大学,前去比萨继承进修。   在海边度假时,两个女孩同她们的童年玩伴尼诺(弗朗西斯·塞尔皮科 Francesco Serpico 饰)相逢了,爱莲娜仍然无奈顺从尼诺所披收返来的魅力,而尼诺好像对莉拉愈加的感兴致。果不其然,尼诺跟莉拉走到了一同。爱尼诺至深的莉拉决议分开斯特凡诺,跟尼诺私奔,但面前的这个男子,真的要比斯特凡诺愈加优良吗!当爱莲娜的腹中怀上了孩子后,斯特凡诺挑选了分开她,无家可归的莉拉不得不再次向斯特凡诺抬头。
BARÇA DREAMS is the most complete documentary ever to be made about the story of FC Barcelona, one of the top soccer clubs in the world, highly praised for its legendary figures like Leo Messi, the best footballer of all time, the prestigious coach Pep Guardiola, or the man who re册utionized this sport (soccer and football are used interchangeably throughout the entire text) with his innovative vision: Johan Cruyff. The film narrates the soccer club's long road to fame and acknowledgement, culminating in the generation of players of the stature of Leo Messi, Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta, all of them trained in the famous school of La Masía. It also reveals the secrets of a powerful soccer club that causes admiration worldwide and is closely linked to the Catalan identity, making the motto "Barça: more than a club" a reality. It is a genuine emotional voyage to the heart and soul of the club which Joan Gamper, an undisputable sportsman, founded over a hundred years ago. It rekindles the dreams and ambitions of a long list of footballers who sought glory in one of the most admired soccer clubs in recent times.
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With this new series Andrew Graham-Dixon returns to Europe taking us on a journey into the captivating watery world of the Low Countries and its art. This small myriad of regions we now know as Holland and Belgium produced some of the most celebrated names in art: Van Eyck, Bosch, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Magritte. As he travels by canal boat and of course by bicycle Andrew reveals just how important the Low Countries were in key moments in the development of western culture - the birth of oil painting in the late medieval ages, the triumph of the Dutch golden age, and the onset of polarizing modern art movements surrealism and abstraction. This is not the story of one nation, but of fluid, ever-shifting boundaries and the search for identity in an area that has always been politically contested. EPISODE ONE: The first episode will be about how the art of Renaissance Flanders e册ved from the craft of precious tapestries within the Duchy of Burgundy into a leading painting school in its own right. Starting his journey at the magnificent altarpiece of Ghent Cathedral created by the Van Eyck brothers Andrew explains their ground breaking innovation in oil painting and marvels how the colours they obtained can still remain so vibrant today. Andrew will describe how in the early Renaissance the most urgent preoccupation was not the advancement of learning, humanist or otherwise, but the Last Judgment. People believed they were living in the end of days; a subject popular with preachers and artists and intensely realized in swarming microscopic detail by Hieronymus Bosch. EPISODE TWO: In the second episode Andrew explores how the seemingly peaceful countries of Holland and Belgium – famous for their tulips and windmills, mussels and chips - were in fact forged in a crucible of conflict and division. He will examine how a period of economic boom driven for the first time by a burgeoning and secular middle class led to the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th Century. Andrew travels to Delft and Amsterdam to demonstrate the striking contrast between two of its greatest proponents, Rembrandt and Vermeer (one famed for his breathtakingly realistic domestic street scenes, the other for explosive rapid brushstrokes and raw colours, best exemplified in his contentious magnum opus – The Nightwatch.) Radically different in style, both men were united by the realization that they must become innovators in business as well as masters of their craft. Yet boom also meant bust - and in a story with very modern echoes they ultimately shared the same fate, financial destitution. EPISODE THREE: Following a brief period of decline, the third episode will look at how the entrepreneurial and industrious region of the Low Countries rose again to become a cultural leader in the modern age; how despite its small and apparent insignificance when stood up against the powerhouses of Europe it produced important forward thinking artists like Van Gogh, Mondrian, Magritte and Delvaux who changed the face of art forever. In this episode Andrew’s exhilarating journey takes us to a remote beach in North West Holland which inspired Mondrian’s transition to his now renowned abstract grid paintings.