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栖身在芝加哥的裘德·斯蒂文斯(罗杰·摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)是一位极端敬业且受人尊敬的心理医师。自从老婆逝世后,他的心理全体转移就任务上,逐日的生涯波涛不惊。然而这份镇静忽然被一场不测攻破,某个下雨的日子,斯蒂文斯的一名病患在大巷上被人杀戮,警探麦格里维(罗德·斯泰格尔 Rod Steiger 饰)跟安吉祥(伊利亚特·高德 Elliott Gould 饰)随后登门考察。麦格里维之前的错误被一名叫做齐弗伦的疯子杀戮,斯蒂文斯为怀疑犯做了胜利的精力判定,以致麦格里维对他挟恨在心,更自顾自以为斯蒂文斯就是当街杀戮病患的凶手。在此之后,奥秘之人接连向斯蒂文斯痛下杀手,一贯与工资善的别鬼不觉鬼不觉堕入危急丛生的玄色漩涡之中……  本片依据西德尼·谢尔顿(Sidney Sheldon)的同名原著改编。
阅历了凡人难以设想的疼痛与熬煎,威兹堡温莎大学杀人案的幸存者悉妮·普利斯科特(内维·坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰),现在隐居在山中,经由过程德律风对有着生涯危急的女性们直接心思领导。与此同时,她的业绩被改编成系列恐惧片子“血腥刺杀”(Stab),第3部「Stab」的配角卡顿却被当街杀戮。这一变乱让悉妮!戴维(David Arquette 饰)以及盖尔(Courteney Cox 饰)从新聚会。而鬼脸杀手更是阴魂不散,在好莱坞激发了新一轮的血腥屠戮……本片系“惊声尖叫”系列第3部,荣获2000年轻年挑选奖最具化学感化的组合奖(Courteney Cox & David Arquette)!2001年大热点文娱奖最佳男配角(David Arquette)跟最佳女配角奖(Neve Campbell)。
On digital this October. On January 20th, 2020 - the US and South Korea both discovered their first cases of COVID-19. However, 9 - months later, the novel Coronavirus has claimed the lives of over 200 - 000 - Americans and caused staggering economic damage, while in South Korea, there were no significant lockdowns and, in an urbanized population of 51 - million, only 344 - lives have been lost. Where did we go wrong? As the presidential election nears, Americans are increasingly enraged by a lack of clear leadership, endemic political corruption and left to wonder how did the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world manage to fail so thoroughly in its response to a global pandemic? Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney, directing with Ophelia Harutyunyan and Suzanne Hillinger, interrogates this question and its devastating implications in Totally Under Control. With damning testimony from public health officials and hard investigative reporting, Gibney exposes a system-wide collapse caused by a profound dereliction of Presidential leadership. It will be a generation before we know the full extent of the damage wrought by this pandemic, but Totally Under Control will stand as the definitive account of the Trump administration’s incompetence, corruption and denial in the face of this global pandemic.
A SLICE OF DEATH / ABBOT OF SHA办公室IN (1979) is another Shaw Bros. kung fu film with a Shaolin Temple theme. David Chiang stars as the monk Chi San, who survives the burning of Shaolin Temple and travels south to Kwangtung to raise money to re-build the temple as forces loyal to the Ching Emperor follow in close pursuit. He meets a merchant in Kwangtung who becomes his patron and he develops a group of followers, including Hung Si Kwan, a familiar character from Shaolin lore. There are lots of good fight scenes and a well-written script with interesting encounters between the varied characters.
With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"
  With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"
汤姆(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)出身于警员世家,他与父亲文森特(约翰·玛哈尼 John Mahoney 饰)不只同为警员,两人还常常作为错误一起履行义务。在一次不测中,文森特可怜身亡,父亲的逝世让汤姆觉得了深深的愧疚,他堕入了自责跟伤心中无奈自拔。 一起连环恶性凶杀案件的产生让全部匹兹堡堕入了惊恐之中,经由过程各种线索的考察,汤姆保持以为凶手系警方人士,汤姆因而而受到了业内的排斥跟提职。时隔两年,相似的凶杀案再度产生,对案件照旧铭心镂骨的汤姆决议径自考察此事。跟着考察的深刻,汤姆惊奇的发明凶手居然跟父亲的逝世有着蛛丝马迹的接洽,而汤姆的一举一动,好像都在凶手的掌控之中。
Cinemax肯定「驱魔游勇 Outcast」首播日期为美国时光6月3日。由Robert Kirkman编剧制造的Cinemax的新剧「驱魔游勇」 首季10集,为Robert Kirkman跟Skybound的同名漫画改篇,由FIS开辟,之前已有预报片。 「驱魔游勇」 报告由Patrick Fugit扮演Kyle在小时已经被恶魔附身,长大后开端流落,生机找出昔时的谜底,然而很快他就发明白一个严重的机密 – 他找的谜底可能会令天下被闭幕。以及Philip Glenister表演的西弗吉尼亚一个福音派教会的Anderson牧师,嗜酒!好赌,他以为本人是天主反抗邪魔的“圣战”中的一名兵士。 David Denman表演Mark Holter,该剧配角Kyle Barnes姊姊的丈夫,被描写为:他是一名丈夫跟父亲,他爱深爱着老婆,然而因为晓得Kyle从前所做的是过,而又碍于老婆对Kyle的忠诚,因而生成的公理感的他也是忧愁。 Catherine Dent表演Janet Anderson,是牧师Anderson的前妻。他们的婚姻因为Anderson痴迷对邪魔暗中权势反抗所幻灭,但她仍爱牧师Anderson,她已经的爱人,她的孩子的父亲,他们之间恋情!亲情!怜悯的纠葛。 Melinda McGraw表演的独身母亲Patricia MacCready,是浸信会罗马之光的一个忠诚的成员,常常来Anderson牧师的教会。 Grace Zabriskie表演Mildred,是Anderson牧师所担任的教会中的一名守旧派,种种爱碎碎念跟妒忌,Mildred径自生涯,常喃喃自语。 Lee Tergesen表演Blake Morrow,已经是一名警官,然而因为被控行刺他错误的老婆,被关在逝世囚牢。 Brent Spiner一个自称叫Sidney的奥秘人,在Kyle跟Anderson牧师为小Joshua Austin驱魔后Sidney涌当初罗马,Sidney矮小但精干的表面以及看似ok的笑脸好像隐蔽着歹意。 Porter将表演Donnie Hamel,一个热情优良的运发动。赛事的请求使他回到了维吉祥亚州,他的家乡。然而在跟Kyle Barnes触摸之后,Donnie的罪行一面开端露出出来。