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We sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find our true self. 4 Days tells the story of two school friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine's Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on- and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love- and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is an achingly romantic and delicate teenage love story. Lead actors Mikoy Morales and Sebastian Castro give exceptional, often heartbreaking performances in this thoughtful and patient romance ? wherein the awkward silences and furtive glances speak volumes.
A mockumentary catching up with David Brent 15 years after his redundancy from Wernham Hogg.
Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
莫斯基,一位年青的当地小伙子,赶上了黑帮人物诺曼德,莫斯基接收了诺曼德的一次奇异的买卖;洛伦佐,一位老意大利移平易近,正在寻觅倏地赢利的办法来拯救告急的老婆;文森特,一个自愿从事合法买卖的大夫......三个男子的运气在月食之夜产生了摩擦...... Boucane, a young Native fresh off the reserve, meets Norman, a former mob boss, reduced to doing odd-jobs for his new bosses. Lorenzo, an old Italian immigrant on his last dime, is looking for some fast cash to fulfil his dying wife's last wish. Vincent, a doctor stripped of his medical license, is forced to work for the insidious Chinese mob. Three men, each looking for a way out. Their fates collide on the night of a lunar eclipse.
「行将到来的对华战役」(The coming war on China)是由有名记者约翰·皮尔格拍摄的记录片。2016年12月5日起在英国影院上映,并于12月6日晚在英国电视台ITV播出。时长约两小时。片子共分四部门,分离为马歇尔岛的秘密!中国的突起!美国在冲绳军事基地遭受外地支持!作为帝国的美国正在修建对中国的包抄圈。第一部门用大批史料,报告了美国二战时期在马歇尔岛试爆原枪弹这一不为人知的秘密。这个被称为“4·1工程”的核试验筹划,给外地岛平易近形成严峻的核辐射,不少人身患癌症最后不治身亡,核试验对外地情况形成严峻传染。第二部门从鸦片战役讲起,叙说中国的一步步开展跟突起。第三部门聚焦美国在岛国日本冲绳的军事基地,包含试验新兵器!针对中国的军事练习以及对外地住平易近犯下的诸如强奸妇女等罪恶。第四部门名为“帝国”,报告美国正在加紧修建对中国的绞索,周边有400个军事基地将中国包抄。受访的一名美国将军称,“最好的兵器须要最好的朋友,当初中国就是美国完善的朋友”。片中还称,美国有一个针对中国的“愿景2020”策略筹划,在中国的东!南!西等各个方面都有军事基地,且都是防御态势,美国占领地!海!空!天等各范畴的自动权。“奥巴马拨巨款用于开展包含核武在内的各种军事兵器,这些兵器不会不用武之地。美国对中国的战役行将到来。”片子的破意,尤其是忠告战役不该暴发的破意不错,汗青上战役特殊是核战役给人类形成的损害令人惊心动魄,不少画面仍是第一次看到。但纵不雅全片,感到有些弄虚作假,片子的内容缺乏以支持起“中美要暴发战役”的说法。约翰·皮尔格11月在其自我网站称,为拍摄此片,他在马绍尔群岛!岛国日本!韩国!中国跟美国等地花了两年时光。他说,他的飞机被特许飞往马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛时,他看到一个伟大的“黑洞”,那是被称为“布拉沃”的氢弹爆炸留下的火山口,那次爆炸迫害数百公里规模内的人跟情况。美国在这一地域的秘密试验给这些岛上的人类跟天然情况带来消灭性的损害,被标为最高秘密的“4.1名目”答应应用活人直接试验。他说,好像很少人晓得泳衣的称号叫“比基尼”是为了留念损坏平静洋中比基尼珊瑚礁的核爆炸。1946年到1958年,美国在马绍尔群岛为直接氢弹试验爆炸了66次核安装,在12年的时光里相称于天天爆炸1.6个广岛原枪弹。美国在比基尼岛核试验美国在比基尼岛核试验明天的比基尼处在缄默中,它已被改革跟传染了。棕榈树长成一个奇异的方格,不任何货色在运动,不鸟。陈腐的公墓石碑仍是活泼的喷射源。站在沙岸上,能够看到平静洋翡翠般碧绿的海水从一个大黑洞的斜面落上去。那是被称为“布拉沃”的氢弹爆炸留下的火山口。那次爆炸在数百公里的规模内迫害了人跟情况,迫害可能是永远性的。约翰·皮尔格称,拍摄此片的目标是,要攻破攻破言论对可能产生战役的缄默:美国跟中国可能正在走向战役,核战役不再是弗成设想的。他表现,有证据表现,核战役不再只是一个“暗影”,而是一种确切存在的可能性。美国正在俄罗斯的西边跟针对中国的亚太地域打造二战后最大的军事同盟。片中称,中美两国往年在中国南海上出现缓和态势,两边都举办了大规模的军事练习,有人担忧这可能会触发第三次天下大战。中国作为一个突起的经济强权,如前苏联一样,对美国统治天下的权利形成了“事实的威逼”。美国在中国周边安排了400个基地,兵舰!核兵器跟轰炸机围绕中国,形成了一个“完善的绞索”。在片中,五角大楼官员为了掉掉落经费,把中国称为一个“完善的朋友”,称“中国想要主宰这个星球上的一大片地皮。”他们还援用美国首任总统的话称,“假如你想要跟平,那么就得时辰备战”。他们还称,“是时间了,咱们要向全天下宣示,美国返来了”。约翰·皮尔格12月就该片接收「新国际主义者」杂志采访时称,美国前卡特当局高等参谋!乔治华盛顿大学国际关联传授阿米塔伊·埃茨昂尼(Amitai Etzioni)曾在华盛顿向他表现,美国官朴直在预备同中国的战役,这场战役将“始于对中国反参与设备的袭击,使中国的陆基跟海基导弹以及反卫星兵器生效,而这些袭击的危险在于,安排在中海本地的核兵器将被触发,从而招致核战役的片面暴发。”皮尔格称,一名中国的策略家告知他,“咱们并不是你们的朋友,但假如你们(东方)决议做咱们的朋友,咱们必需绝不犹豫地做好预备。”中国的兵力跟兵器库比美国小得多。然而,国忧思迷信家同盟高等剖析师顾克刚(GregoryKulacki)写道,“中国正在探讨进步核导弹的呼应级别,以便在遭到袭击威逼时倏地发射……这是一个明显而危险的转变……而现实上美国的核兵器政策是影响中国进步核武呼应级其余最直接外部要素。”约翰·皮尔格,1939年10月生,系澳大利亚有名记者,现居英国伦敦。他既是一位战地记者,又是作家跟片子约翰·皮尔格就该片接收“本日俄罗斯”电视专访约翰·皮尔格就该片接收“本日俄罗斯”电视专访人,曾两度获英国消息界最大声誉“年度记者”(Journalist of the Year)!“结合国媒体跟平奖”(UN Media Peace Prize)!法国 “无版图记者” (Reporter Sans Frontieres)大奖!艾美奖(Emmy Award),以及英国片子电视艺术学院(British Academy of Film and Television Arts)发表的“理查德·丁布尔比奖” (Richa rd Dimbleby Award)等浩繁奖项。