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Marshall Lawson loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack. After this he takes it upon himself to investigate the suspicious circumstances of the brutal killings. Soon he uncovers CTX Majestic, a covert military operation so secret, that now the military wants Marshall eliminated. Resolute in his pursuit, Marshall engages in a merciless battle with a drug dealer operation that appears to be secretly funded by a rogue arm of the military.
Ara Paiaya
Charlotte Rickard
Natalia Ryumina
Angie Simms
Traumatised by the death of an innocent. Killer for hire Bradley drops out of society, seeking meaning roaming the dangerous streets of a tough inner city ghetto. When he encounters a savage pimp and a desperate woman under his control Bradley finds the means to give battle to the inner demons that have eluded him. He embarks on a quest to save a young girl from the clutches of the brutal gangsters that trade human beings as currency. Drawn deeper into a sickening world in which age is no bar to exploitation and pursued by police, gangland villains and a mysterious agency known only as The Executive. Bradley discovers an ever deepening web of corruption and vice, and a dangerous game in which nothing is what it seems and no one can be trusted.
Ellie, a recovering drug addict, has just moved to a new city with her two teenage children. She has struggled to stay sober in the past and is determined to make it work this time, finding a stable job and regularly attending her meetings. Unfortunately, new friends, a new job, and the chance of a new life, can't keep Ellie from slipping once again. Her life changes when she meets Christopher - a different kind of addict - which forces her daughter and son to accept a new version of Ellie.
In the bleak filmscape of glasnost, The Needle stood out as a black sheep of a movie. The most playful and offbeat of the Soviet films of the period, it contrasted sharply to the mainstream, which was overwhelmed with revisionism of the Stalinist past and nihilistic social criticism.
Made in 1988 by a young Kazakh director, Rashid Nugmanov, fresh out of VGIK (the national film school), The Needle was a pioneering effort in several ways. Having e from a remote, stagnant republic of Kazakhstan, the picture set off a movement that has e to be known as the "Kazakh New Wave." Represented by such works as Alexander Baranov's and Bakhyt Kilibayev's The Three (1988) and Woman of the Day (1990); Kilibayev's The Tick (1990); Baranov's He and She (1990); Abai Karpykov's Little Fish in Love (1989); and Serik Aprymov's The Last Stop (1989), the Kazakh New Wave was for the agonizing Soviet film of the late 1980s what the French New Wave was for the dusty French film of the late 1950s. The Needle was the movement's a bout de souffle. The film also became a model for the Russian version of postmodernism—uninhibited and uninformed, pensating for the lack of culture, skill, and resources with mischief and wit. A young man named Moro (played by Viktor Tsoi, the late rock 'n' roll legend from the St. Petersburg band "Kino") returns to his Asiatic hometown only to find his exgirlfriend, Dina (Marina Smirnova), being a drug addict and himself being involved in the bizarre life of the city's underworld. In an attempt to save Dina, Moro takes her away to the Aral Sea, turned into a barren desert by the time they arrive. There Dina seems cured, but back in town everything starts anew. Almost desperate, Moro decides to fight the drug dealers, led by a hospital doctor (played by another rock 'n' roll star, eccentric leader of the "Sound of Mu" band and the future star of Taxi Blues, Pyotr Mamonov), when one of them stabs him in a deserted park.
After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often "forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his...
故事产生在一家国际时髦传媒团体的中国杂志总部。生于一般家庭的女主人公周恬刚从北京某大学文学系结业。「HAN尚」是一本时髦杂志,由“时髦第一主编”韩露亲身操刀经营,周恬因机遇偶分解为主编韩露的低级秘书,在这之后随同她而来的是从前不曾设想过的残暴职场阅历。女主人公经由过程本人的勤恳跟尽力,很快实现了“麻雀变凤凰”的进程,阅历了一场梦境般的职场冒险。在这个化茧成蝶的进程中,周恬身上所表现出的执着!奋进跟面临何种难题都不废弃的精力鼓励跟沾染着每自我,在痛并快活的斗争进程中,周恬却发明本人一直尽力不废弃的任务并不如设想中的那么美妙,而她的恋情也因情况的转变面临着磨练…… 「时髦王国」不只经由过程女配角“周恬”戏剧性的职场生长过程来表示80后布满豪情的芳华励志故事,同时还将揭秘以女魔头“韩露”为代表的金领一族的生涯跟职场生活状况,对初入职场的90后一代在该剧中也有酣畅淋漓的描绘。 30集电视持续剧「时髦王国」现在正在北京拍摄,昨天剧组构造媒体探班,金马影后!香港女明星恬妞以一头鹤发外型表态,她在剧中表演中国版的“时髦女魔头”,叫板美国女星梅丽尔·斯特里普。 恬妞在剧中表演时髦杂志社主编韩露。 固然把黑发染成了前卫时髦的灰白色,但恬妞并不认为这一外型夸大,在剧中她更将换穿110多套古装,此中100%是她本人供给的。在戏中恬妞扮演女能人,而戏外她也是顽强地生涯,昨天采访中有记者诘问她阅历两次掉败的婚姻,现在情感状况怎样,她很安然说:“老天相对是公正的,当它给你一些什么货色的时间,它势必会相对给你拿掉落一些货色在我的终生傍边,它把我拿掉落的就是我的婚姻。”但谈到女儿却很悲伤。 看点一:灰女人的故事老是更接地气儿 「时髦王国」在华贵的时髦配景下,实则讲的是一个古代版灰女人的职场故事。 风行一时的「薰衣草」!「浪漫满屋」都有此种人物设置:一个不起眼的小女孩,与一个被镁光灯捧到天上的大明星,用恋情的纽带将一个天上的尊荣与一个地上的低微联合,既圆了伧夫俗人们灰女人的梦,也将偶像拉下神坛,满意了FANS们最平实的等待。 以上经典剧作的收视飘红,让咱们更有来由信任:人物关联愈加庞杂!故事件节愈加出奇!背景摆设更为讲究的「时髦王国」将会带给咱们一个更接地气儿的灰女人。 看点二:活泼的“职场现形记” 「杜拉拉升职记」小说与话剧都被追捧,恰是由于它符合了古代人逼实在的心思须要。「时髦王国」将白领!金领与无领一族(刚结业大先生)一扫而光,将古代职场最顶级最剧烈的生活状况用轻笑剧方法加以出现,更是一部活泼的“职场现形记”。 这种芳华励志片现今在海内电视剧中较为稀缺,而产生在时髦界的芳华励志片更是百里挑一,本剧集白领!金领与初入职场的无领一族为一身,在让你享用时髦视觉贪吃盛宴的同时,亦能逼真感触酣畅淋漓的古代职场故事,与时下咱们风行的许多话题,看罢定会获益匪浅。 看点三:中国最“牛”的时髦大剧 本剧引入的豪华资助声威开了国产电视剧资助内容之最的先河。各大品牌商争夺为本剧供给了09年最逢迎潮水与最新的的时髦产物:LOUIS VUITTON!CARTIER!ARMANI!DIOR!VERSACE!JAVAS等国际一线品牌纷纭参加资助团队;国际有名化装品公司岛国日本资生堂作为本剧独家化装品资助品牌为「时髦王国」供给全体彩妆护肤产物的鼎力支撑;BMW公司旗下子品牌MINICOOPER为全剧供给最新的款全系列车型以供该剧全程拍摄;寰球排名第一的美国有名办公众具品牌STEELCASE为该剧供给了最新的的主流办公众具支撑。无怪乎在「时髦王国」剧组,一直有艺人接到德律风,说据说当初有一部特牛的大戏叫「时髦王国」,而后艺百合的艺人便很自得地说:“我就在「时髦王国」剧组呀。” 。 「时髦王国」刚拍便红,只因它强势的制造团队以及做到极致的精细与时髦博得了好口碑,可谓最“养眼”的中国电视剧。 看点四:过硬的好脚本 高超的成衣,能够将边角料缝成一件异常难看的什锦衣,这个故事恰是如斯。故事自身离咱们很近,许多内容都似曾了解,但时髦的职场配景又离咱们一般人会悠远,这一近一远之间,让咱们的心拉近了,新颖感也有了。 艺百合文明流传无限公司历时一年多打造脚本,只为打磨一把佳构剑,刚才出鞘亮矛头。就连走遍天下!妙笔生花的「时髦芭莎」主编苏芒看当时都非常赞美,说这是她迄今为止见过最好的脚本。 看点五:浪漫惟美的音乐交叉 韩剧之以是难看,重要要素之一就是剧情与音乐的无比融洽。好的电视剧音乐,应当是能推进剧情开展,展示人物心坎天下,让不雅众今后当前每听起这个音乐,就回忆起那部电视剧。 本剧中重复的应用音乐来转达人物情绪,以情煽风焚烧,给故事的情绪张力加分许多,旨在把耳朵叫醒,把心灵叫醒。 看点六:揭开时髦的真义 正如宜家家具在转达一种繁复!环保!适用的时髦理念跟生涯立场一样, 剧中时髦界的代表人物“女魔头”用本人任务与生涯的立场却恰好证实了 时髦是一种风行,或一种踊跃的生涯立场,而不简略即是豪华与繁荣。 本剧经心尽力倾慕打造出色绝伦的剧情,极致豪华的场景,只为神形兼备,透 过期尚的表象去探索时髦的真义。