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A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged. His granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon, which lasted 22 years. The truth however frees Moe’s capability to love and forces the villager...
Sheila Cochran
Arthur Dennies Jr.
Bethany DeZelle
Luciana Faulhaber
Dennis Friebe
Emmanuel Hudson
Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Although initially impatient and frustrated, Joy begins to realize her true affection for Loraine as she takes a front-seat-view of how this strong-willed yet free-spirited woman manages the emotional transition of learning to live life after losing her spouse. Despite their many differences, and with light-hearted adventures at every turn, they discover how much they respect and even need each other.
David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasi's deals Billa goes to Georgia where he meets a ruthless international don Demitri. They get acquainted that creates a rift between Abbasi and Billa. A challenge is thrown by Billa to Abbasi and he starts building his own empire, which eventually results in Billa crossing swords with Demitri himself. The bloody battle begins in Goa and ends in Georgia.
Kyana Teresa
Ernie Pitts
Verity Marks
Muriel Hogue
Saul Elias
Lauren Marshall
Max Nelson
David and Hannah Cashman have promised their family a fun Christmas getaway, but when they arrive at a grand, old house in the snowy woods of Washington and are greeted by familiar construction foreman, the kids realize their parent’s plan to make it a working vacation; renovating the place in the hopes of flipping it. Alicia, the eldest, is annoyed but the younger kids are soon distracted when, wandering through the creepy mansion, they find a stash of old toys in an abandoned playroom and take to them instantly. Before long, they seem to be inseparable from their new playthings, much to the consternation of their nanny Rose who, along with Alicia, senses that something in the house is not quite right. As stranger and stranger things start to happen, Rose and Alicia have a hunch that there may be more to the history of the old house than the Cashman’s are letting on. Can the family escape with their lives – or will they stay forever in the crumbling house, never to celebrate another Christmas again? Bringing the nostalgia of stop motion holiday specials - #ToysOfTerror stars #KyanaTeresa (“Shadowhunters,” “Star Trek: Discovery”) as Hannah Cashman, Georgia Waters (“Siren”) as Rose Mathis, Verity Marks (“The Christmas Club”) as Alicia Cashman, Dayo Ade (“Workin Moms,” “October Faction”) as David Cashman, Saul Elias as Franklin Cashman and Zoe Fish as Zoe Cashman. The film is written and executive produced by Dana Gould (“Stan Against Evil,” “The Simpsons”) and directed by Nicholas Verso (Boys in the Trees, “Nowhere Boys”). The movie is produced by Blue Ribbon Content in association with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and SYFY.
Volunteering to drive his girl friend's son home for Thanksgiving to Chicago from his boarding school in Georgia, little does Dutch expect the picaresque adventures in store for him. When a blunt, down-to-earth construction worker takes to the road with an insufferable twelve-year-old snob (desperately insecure under the surface) who doesn't approve of him in the least, quite a bit must happen before they can reach their destination as friends- or, for that matter, get home at all.故事梗概: 跟老公仳离后,娜塔丽意识了卡车司机达奇。假期立刻就要到了,因为娜塔丽的前夫瑞德要到伦敦闭会,娜塔丽决议由达奇到千里之外的投止黉舍接儿子道尔回家。 道尔聪慧!本领迅速,但却有些自闭。对父亲不克不及来接本人回家,道尔觉得很丧气。但他情愿一自我呆在空荡荡的黉舍里,也不违心跟一个卡车司机回家。 达奇刚到黉舍道尔就给了他一个下水威。道尔用白手道将达奇掀翻在地,这下可触怒了达奇,他强即将道尔带到车上,向家的偏向开去。 为了实现女友交给的义务,跟道尔跟气相处,达奇想出许多方法。他买来焰火逗道尔高兴,但道尔却并不承情,还用烟头烧坏了达奇的裤子。达奇一怒之下把道尔仍在了路边,径自开车离开了汽车旅店。 丰衣足食的道尔找到了达奇,为了抨击他,道尔打着了汽车并开上了路。一辆卡车将达奇的车撞得改头换面,看着达奇在报废的汽车四周焦虑地寻觅本人,道尔心中闪过一丝愧疚。 汽车不了,道尔跟达奇只能乘车回家。在达奇的启示下,道尔装成抱病儿童,赢得了两位密斯的怜悯。但上车之后他们才发明这两位密斯竟是应召少女。情窦初开的道尔对她们此中的一个颇有好感,但达奇晓得决不克不及再跟这两个女人坐一辆车,这将给道尔形成很欠好的影响。 应召少女趁给车加油抛下了达奇跟道尔,却带走了他们的行李钱物。这下达奇跟道尔腰缠万贯,要回家真成了大困难。无法之下两人离开了收留所,在这里的人们的赞助下,才回到了家中。 阅历了这一起的风风雨雨,道尔接收了达奇,乃至发明本人曾经离不开他了。道尔信任他将跟达奇一起渡过一个美妙的假期。 出色视点: 本片报告了卡车司机达奇为了在假期将女友的捣鬼儿子带回家,一起上与这自我小鬼大的孩子斗智斗勇的故事。影片滑稽滑稽,布满温馨。片中一些与孩子相处的方法方法也为不雅看影片的大人们供给了很好的参考。 影片的导演彼得·费曼比年来并不什么大片问世,但八十年月他导演的一部不大明星参演的影片「鳄鱼邓肯」却获得了意想不到的后果,至今仍影象犹新。影片的男主演艾德·奥尼尔曾主演过「反斗智多星」!「奥秘拼图」等影片,他在本片中的扮演张弛有度,非常到位。 4月5日16 - 20CCTV-6