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维杰(阿贾耶·德乌干 Ajay Devgan 饰)和妻子娜蒂尼(施芮娅·萨兰 Shreya 饰)结婚多年,将两个女儿安久(伊西塔·杜塔 Ishita Dutta 饰)和安努(莫伦诺·贾达夫 Mrunal Jadhav 饰)抚养长大,一家人过着宁静的生活,平淡之中自有真味 。某日,安久去参加野营,结识了名为萨姆(Rishabh Chaddha 饰)的男生,此时的她并不知道的是,这位看上去文质彬彬的男孩,会彻底粉碎她的生活。
维杰(阿贾耶·德乌干 Ajay Devgan 饰)和妻子娜蒂尼(施芮娅·萨兰 Shreya 饰)结婚多年,将两个女儿安久(伊西塔·杜塔 Ishita Dutta 饰)和安努(莫伦诺·贾达夫 Mrunal Jadhav 饰)抚养长大,一家人过着宁静的生活,平淡之中自有真味 。某日,安久去参加野营,结识了名为萨姆(Rishabh Chaddha 饰)的男生,此时的她并不知道的是,这位看上去文质彬彬的男孩,会彻底粉碎她的生活。
内森(詹姆斯·拉夫尔提 James Lafferty 饰)是含着金汤匙出身的巨室后辈,丰富的家底跟娇生惯养的生涯让内森的特性清高又自信,他是黉舍里的风波人物,同时是校篮球队里的种子选手。 在单亲家庭里长大的卢卡斯(查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray 饰)特性忸怩外向,始终以来遐迩闻名,全部人都不晓得的是,这个不起眼的男孩,跟内森居然是同父异母的兄弟。某日,卢卡斯参加了内森地点的篮球队,一颗篮球将两个生疏又熟习的男孩牢牢地接洽到了一同,他们互为敌手又同病相怜,在亲情!友谊跟恋情的漩涡之中高低浮沉。终极,他们可以看破世俗的假象,找到实在的自我吗!
冬天,蒂妲絲雲頓拜訪落腳於法國小山村四十餘年的挚友約翰伯格,兩人散步於靄靄白雪的村莊!或深或淺地,在小屋中聊起童年記憶與歷史承接。春天,透過凝視動物,經歷一場人類與動物關係的思辨。炎天,於山村中跟三兩藝術家漫談當代政治,佐以舊時影片!音樂,摸索藝術怎样述說政治。秋日,蒂妲再度帶著孩子拜訪約翰以及約翰之子,在視野遼闊的山村生涯中,發現傳承的意念存在於所觀看的每一片風景。四部短片象徵四序的更迭,而山村的風景!動物!生涯則是年復一年的循環,體現約翰口中[無窮延长的此時现在]。他的思惟及人生觀與陈旧的農舍!青葱的綠地!放牧的牛群相呼相應,說著這個天下方圆人物风物的故事,阿爾卑斯山裡的小村莊,則是最诱人的舞台。(以上來自2016台北金馬影展)The Seasons in Quincy is a feature-length documentary film in four parts by the Derek Jarman Lab at Birkbeck, in collaboration with Til da Swinton, Christopher Roth and Colin MacCabe. Together, the parts constitute a film portrait of John Berger, the British writer and thinker.In 1973 - Berger abandoned the metropolis to live in the tiny Alpine village of Quincy. He realized that subsistence peasant farming, which had sustained humanity for millennia, was drawing to an historical close. He determined to spend the rest of his life bearing witness to this vanishing existence, not least by participating in it. Berger’s trilogy Into their Labours chronicles the peasant life of this Alpine village and its surrounding countryside. Our portrait places Berger in the rhythm of the seasons in Quincy.The four parts of the film each address different strands of Berger's life and work. The first, Ways of Listening, directed by Colin MacCabe, deals with fathers and friendship. Spring, directed by Christopher Roth, considers Berger's writing on our relationship with animals in juxtaposition with the animals that surround him in the Haute Savoie. A Song for Politics, directed by Colin MacCabe and Bartek Dziadosz, reflects on politics through a conversation between Berger, Colin MacCabe, Ben Lerner, Akshi Singh and Christopher Roth. The last part, Harvest, directed by Tilda Swinton, revisits Quincy to meditate on belonging and continuity with John and his son Yves.來自
冬天,蒂妲絲雲頓拜訪落腳於法國小山村四十餘年的挚友約翰伯格,兩人散步於靄靄白雪的村莊!或深或淺地,在小屋中聊起童年記憶與歷史承接。春天,透過凝視動物,經歷一場人類與動物關係的思辨。炎天,於山村中跟三兩藝術家漫談當代政治,佐以舊時影片!音樂,摸索藝術怎样述說政治。秋日,蒂妲再度帶著孩子拜訪約翰以及約翰之子,在視野遼闊的山村生涯中,發現傳承的意念存在於所觀看的每一片風景。四部短片象徵四序的更迭,而山村的風景!動物!生涯則是年復一年的循環,體現約翰口中[無窮延长的此時现在]。他的思惟及人生觀與陈旧的農舍!青葱的綠地!放牧的牛群相呼相應,說著這個天下方圆人物风物的故事,阿爾卑斯山裡的小村莊,則是最诱人的舞台。(以上來自2016台北金馬影展)The Seasons in Quincy is a feature-length documentary film in four parts by the Derek Jarman Lab at Birkbeck, in collaboration with Til da Swinton, Christopher Roth and Colin MacCabe. Together, the parts constitute a film portrait of John Berger, the British writer and thinker.In 1973 - Berger abandoned the metropolis to live in the tiny Alpine village of Quincy. He realized that subsistence peasant farming, which had sustained humanity for millennia, was drawing to an historical close. He determined to spend the rest of his life bearing witness to this vanishing existence, not least by participating in it. Berger’s trilogy Into their Labours chronicles the peasant life of this Alpine village and its surrounding countryside. Our portrait places Berger in the rhythm of the seasons in Quincy.The four parts of the film each address different strands of Berger's life and work. The first, Ways of Listening, directed by Colin MacCabe, deals with fathers and friendship. Spring, directed by Christopher Roth, considers Berger's writing on our relationship with animals in juxtaposition with the animals that surround him in the Haute Savoie. A Song for Politics, directed by Colin MacCabe and Bartek Dziadosz, reflects on politics through a conversation between Berger, Colin MacCabe, Ben Lerner, Akshi Singh and Christopher Roth. The last part, Harvest, directed by Tilda Swinton, revisits Quincy to meditate on belonging and continuity with John and his son Yves.來自
「篮球兄弟 One Tree Hill」第七季将于今秋归来,主演Chad跟Burton的双双拜别实在令人唏嘘,配角的拜别也许将象征着剧情的严重转机跟调剂,不知收视阴云会否覆盖青山镇往日的蔚蓝天空。 Robert Buckley将在新一季中扮演一位名叫Clayton的篮球经纪,他将成为Nathan Scott的奇迹导游及暗里的良师良朋, Buckley曾在CW电视网的另一部剧集「调教巨室女Privileged」中出演杂志社编纂一角,固然很遗憾该剧终极没能掉掉落第二季预约,不外也许恰是Buckley季末加盟该剧时惹起的不俗反应跟本身颇旺的名气被CW电视网相中,此番“转战”「篮球兄弟 One Tree Hill」不知会给这部CW老牌芳华剧带来怎样样的惊喜。 当帅气性感的篮球经纪一角从36岁的气质熟男Brian Austin Green换成了28岁的肌肉帅哥Robert Buckley,能否曾经开端摇动你的不雅看筹划了!