广东佛隐士叶问(梁朝伟 饰),幼年时家景优渥,师从咏春拳第三代传人陈华顺进修拳法,徒弟“一条腰带一口吻”的劝诫,支撑他走过平静盛世!朝代更迭的凌乱年月。老婆张永成(宋慧乔 饰)凶暴老练,二人鹿车共挽,琴瑟合璧。 1936年,佛山技击界乱云荡漾。八卦拳宗师宫羽田(王庆祥 饰)年纪已高,许诺隐退。其所担负的中华军人会会长职位,天然惹起武林妙手的存眷与觊觎。包含宫羽田的独生女宫二(章子怡 饰)在内,白猿马三(张晋 饰)!关东之鬼丁连山(赵本山 饰)!咏春叶问等妙手无不将眼光聚焦在正气凛然的宫羽田身上。拳有南北,国有南北乎!最有品德之人才堪会长重担,然这浮世浮名却引得有数迷乱之人狂醉奔走,浪掷残生。生逢浊世,后代情长埋藏心底,被冷若寒冰的车轮碾作碎泥……
电影改编自英国著名女作家艾莉丝·默克多的生平。艾莉丝(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)从小就有一颗充满了热情和灵感的心,她前卫的思想和先进的学说曾经影响了一代人的思考方式。沉默寡言的学者约翰(休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)捕获了艾莉丝的芳心,两人的恋情炙热又长久,人们在惊愕之余亦将这段感情传为佳话。 不幸的是,艾莉丝患上了失忆症,她的记忆会随着时间的推移而消失殆尽,这种不可逆的病症给艾莉丝和约翰的心灵蒙上了阴影,也没能撼动两人之间坚固的感情。面对病重的妻子,约翰不仅不离不弃,更是承担起了整个家庭的责任。一段感情,跨越了四十年的时光,容颜会改变,记忆会退却,唯爱永生。
His days are grey and pathetic without any highlights to lift his spirits. Drudging away in Munich's last greenhouse, he is forced to produce roses for the wealthy using his mechanical hand. Yet in these days, this is still possible, because he has 999.999.999 - roses on hand. One day, she comes through the door and all he could ever want from that very moment was her. A brief moment was all it was as she had to return to work leaving him determined to abandon everything he was and had to fight for her heart... But all seemed to be in vain. Nothing mattered anymore. Not even the 999.999.999 - roses that were in his hand. Set in the distant future of Munich, graphic designer and filmmaker, Gerald Grunow moved his animation world. The houses, the landscapes and the people inhabiting this foreign land seem in their own way, surreal and not of this world. And yet, a classically romantic story in this imaginative backdrop of love and suffering is told, completely devoid of any dialog. This is ...