20世纪初的瑞典,社会动乱,物资生涯与精力生涯双双匮乏。玛丽亚(Maria Heiskanen 玛丽亚·海斯卡尼 饰)是个普一般通的家庭主妇,料理着一个并不充裕的家,一次偶尔的博彩,让她中了一台相机,她的人生就此转变。她开端偷偷进修照相,并对此异常入神,她拍下孩子生长的样子,顺手发明的美景,渐渐的,她开端有才能为街坊照相,赚点钱,他们也对相片特殊满足,国王来访时,她也被请去照相……固然,这所有要背着她的酒鬼老公。常常冲印相片令玛丽亚与外地小照相馆老板佩特森(Jesper Christensen 饰)熟习起来,他是她的伯乐,始终夸奖她的禀赋,勉励她拍下去,二人发生淡淡的情愫,终极发乎情止乎礼,埋没在时间里,唯有玛丽亚拍下的美好相片,至今留存…… 本片是瑞典史上首位女性拍照师玛丽亚·拉森的列传片。
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.
An eccentric drifter claiming to be Elvis Presley hitches a ride with a young man and they find themselves on an adventurous road trip to Memphis.
哈维·贝克(保罗·吉尔马迪 Paul Giamatti 饰)是美国弗吉尼亚州一家医院内的文件管理员,他貌不惊人,从小就有着与众不同的独立思想,然而他的生活如此糟糕。哈维的工作枯燥无聊,两次婚姻都一塌糊涂,业余时间就是躲在家中看漫画、听爵士乐唱片。偶然的机会,哈维结识了漫画家罗伯特·哥伦布(James Urbaniak 饰),他从对方那里受到启发,决定以漫画的形式汇出自己的人生。似乎,一切就此发生改变…… 本片根据哈维·贝克(Harvey Pekar)的漫画改编,并荣获2003年戛纳电影节国际影评人费比西奖特别致意、2003年纽约影评人协会最佳女主角和最佳处女作奖等各大电影节近30个奖项。
In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 - presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
In 1995 - the young Taiwanese woman writer Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in Paris’s Montmartre district, leaving behind the autobiographical novel LAST WORDS IN MONTMARTRE. Two decades later, the novel was published in English by the prestigious New York Review Books, bringing Qiu renown in Western literary circles and quickly prompting translations into other European languages. Qiu is considered the first openly lesbian novelist in the history of Chinese literature; her debut novel, NOTES OF A CROCODILE, became a “Bible” for the Taiwanese lesbian community and an underground classic in Taiwan and Hong Kong, with an official edition finally published in 2012. DEATH IN MONTMARTRE travels through Taiwan, Paris, and New York to trace the life of this literary star who enjoyed fame only after her death, interviewing literary masters from Taiwan, France, and the U.S. while discussing LGBTQ culture and lesbian literature from a perspective of equality.
拿威在一次潜水不测,在海中与人鱼美女相遇,同时也相逢了水底拍照师大霈。 善于自在深潜的拿威担负她的海上导游,这片未开辟的海底美景让来自都会的大霈如痴如醉;在大霈镜头中的大陆,更是从小成长在兰屿的拿威看到不曾休会过的宇宙不雅,他们用相互的眼瞥见了全新的天下,也让拿威瞥见了自在深潜的将来与商机!给了他出奔兰屿的契机。 躲在礁石后的人鱼美女,是那次潜水不测中真正救了拿威的人,她奋力的褪去尾鳍!与拿威再次的相遇。她有着质朴跟干净的心,也有着如大陆般的温温暖安谧,当拿威与人鱼美女悠游在海底深潜,他感触到无比的自在与镇静,以及对家乡浓浓的迷恋。“来我的怀里当一条鱼吧...”,他俨然闻声了大陆的召唤!闻声了美女的等待。 毕竟该投入大海的拥抱,仍是寻求更大的妄想!
An epic journey revealing the real Mars, as you've never seen it before. Using data from orbiters and rovers to build accurate views of the red planet and uncover its secrets. On a single circuit of Mars from dawn to dusk, encounter monster 册canos, ancient lakes, alien ice-worlds and spacecraft crash sites. Explore humanity's Martian obsession, join the relentless search for life there, and hunt for a human home on the red planet's surface.
上世纪20年月末,遐迩闻名的托马斯·沃尔夫(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)怀揣文学梦离开纽约,而他洗练的自传体小说被曾一手挖掘过菲兹杰拉德!海明威等作家的文学编纂麦克斯·珀金斯(科林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)看中。珀金斯大马金刀地为沃尔夫删减文章篇幅,最后该书出书时大得胜利,沃尔夫也成为了文学界新星,而这本书恰是他传播后代的有名小说「天使,望家乡」。 在此之后,珀金斯跟沃尔夫愈加紧紧地协作,但他们的亲热惹起了沃尔夫女友(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)的妒忌。在沃尔夫第二本小说的行将面世之时,三人之间关联却愈发奥妙。一边是挖掘本人的伯乐,一边是相处多年的女友,他将怎样决定……
本片集結十位電影配樂大師珍貴紀錄,並訪談爭相與之协作的名導巨星,如:尚賈克阿諾!賈克歐狄亞!彼得威爾!貝特杭布里埃!喬治克隆尼!茱蒂佛斯特!羅曼波蘭斯基等人,見證跨世紀的電影配樂產業,一窺經典 電影背後,偉鸿文曲家的靈感創生之路。
Suede's arrival in British music in the 1990s was a phenomenon. Fated as 'The Best New Band in Britain' before they had even released a single, their debut album was the biggest selling for a generation and their emergence and dominance heralded Britpop. Made with full access to the band and their unexpurgated, incredible archive, Suede: The Insatiable Ones is documentary-feature that tells their story with brutal honesty, humour and dignity. Pulling no punches, the film eschews a linear form for a themed journey through Suede's intense career, and its creative and personal highs and lows. Through five chapters it explores: their roots and identity; the rush of success and immediate, infamous internal power struggle and schism, which few thought they could survive; the subsequent commercial apogee and significant international success; the resultant excess and substance abuse; their 'slow painful death' and split; and - ultimately - their recent, brilliant, acclaimed artistic rebirth. Frontman Brett Anderson and the band are joined by a wonderful cast that includes founder member of Suede and Elastica, Justine Frischmann, Suede's early manager Ricky Gervais, early Suede drummer and ex-Smith Mike Joyce, alongside friends, family and collaborators including Richard Osman, iconic designer Peter Saville, and others.
French rap duo PNL deliver hypnotic visuals and perform popular tracks from their album "Dans la légende" and more at the Bercy Arena in Paris.
Centaur lives a modest life with his family in rural Kyrgyzstan until he abruptly becomes the center of attention when he is caught stealing a racehorse at night. A story inspired by the myth when horses became the wings of men.
Gunmaker, an indie rock singer, whose musical partner died a year ago. He throws his whole being into touring, howling for freedom in a contemporary society rife with contradictions—all the while under surveillance by the authorities.
2017年,李一凡开端拍摄杀马特。他从深圳开端,在深圳!广州!中山!惠州!重庆!贵阳!黔西北州!黔东北州!毕节!安顺!昆明!大理!玉溪!曲靖,以及红河州,合计实现杀马特采访67个,收集采访11个。在拍摄时期,李一凡又从杀马特跟其余工人手中,经由过程直接购置手机视频等方法,收 集了工场流水线及工人生涯录像915段。 这是一次详确且残暴的考察梳理行为。五花八门的头发上面,李一凡从新检查了城乡关联里,对于社会底层工人的生活价值跟权力窘境的来源。当越来越多的杀马特消逝在人们视线里,而已经或照旧是流水线工人的他们,跟明天仍旧一直涌入都会的打工者一样,仍然面对着本质上的权力差别等,照旧覆盖在轨制性排挤的暗影里。 杀马特音译自英语“smart”一词,泛指一种中都城会年青工人中已经风行一时的亚文明潮水,以夸大而便宜的衣饰!发型著称。艺术家!记录片导演李一凡消费数年时光实地触摸跟研讨“杀马特”群体,终极用访谈跟工场场景创作出一部长片,并在展览现场用数百部二手手机播放购置自工人自拍的出产场景。 李一凡将展览视为一次让美术馆不雅众看到别的一个社群的机遇,在长片中他借用年青工人的陈说,描写出杀马特造成的前提!变更,及如安在言论暴力下走向式微。在名目中,他一直是以蒙昧者的脚色进入,随后逐步发明杀马特的遭受,来自于年青工人的孤破处境跟与都会主流生涯之间的疏离,并把名目看作是对杀马特一词祛魅化的进程。这与他一向的破场坚持分歧,即以为在中国的近况下,艺术创作应该基于对社会生涯的直接体感,能力因事实自身的超出性,掉掉落充足的发明力。
依据中国股市传怪杰物王晓老师的自传小说改编,25年来独一中国股市题材商战巨作,带你闪回1990-1995年大陆股市辉煌光阴。由一代股神王晓老师亲身操刀担负影片创作参谋,佰利通邦影业与邵氏影视倾力结合打造,吴毅将!李子雄!麦家琪!郑浩南!吴廷烨!程东!李健仁(如花)!彭敬慈等浩繁香港影视大腕出演。中国首部股市商战题材新媒体影视大片,为你归纳一段中国股市爱恨情仇,澎湃澎拜的传奇励志故事。 故事报告了一代股神的突起。主人公傲风从一个不知股市为何物的君子物生长为一个优良的操盘手,他见证了中国证券市场开展的跌荡崎岖,另有在股市的沉浮中留下印记的风波人物。它面临的不是数字的跋扈狂跌涨,而是隐蔽在数字当面不硝烟的烽火,人道的战役。这里有嚣张与回想的艺术情怀,理性与理性的数字跋扈狂。
本片是美国摇滚乐队“THE BAND"在三藩市作离别上演音乐会的记录片。 片中的大腕其实太多了。 马丁.史高塞斯的导演手段精彩,在把握节拍!颜色应用方面把握得异常有标准;鲍里斯.李文的拍照技巧也是出神入化,使得本片成为摇滚乐记录片的代表作之一。
It’s a rare feeling when we open a book and find ourselves lost in its pages; finding pieces of ourselves in the story and letting ourselves be enveloped in the emotions that arise. This effect is what the works of Elena Ferrante are most known for. Listed among Time magazine’s 100 - most influential people in the world, Elena Ferrante is a contemporary icon, whose identity is closely linked to her novels and nothing more. Despite her massive international success, Elena Ferrante is an author whose true identity remains unknown. Via excerpt readings and interviews with critics, directors, booksellers, editors and authors such as Jonathan Franzen and Elizabeth Strout, Ferrante Fever explores Ferrante’s deeply intimate writing and looks into her choice to remain anonymous, which sparked an unprecedented cultural debate. Filmed between Italy and the United States, Ferrante Fever doesn’t necessarily go in search of the identity of the "faceless writer,” instead, it hopes to discover the secret of her success. How was she able to create stories that would conquer readers over the course of 12 - years? In-depth interviews provide answers, but so do the writer's own words, and the places and protagonists in her novels.